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“Much like you’d never be able to sell a perfume called Rotting Turtle…”

These were the words written in a script in 2021 on the Business Blaze (noe Brain Blaze) Youtube channel from Simon Whistler. 

Seeing that as a challenge, Simon reached out to Will Claren, who he was already doing his range of beard oils with (BeardBlaze.com), and asked if Will had any experience with perfumes. 

He did. But he could only make them smell amazing. 

And that’s how the first fragrance, Rotting Turtle was born, and how it came to smell amazing. 

Then came more absurdly named scents. And suddenly a joke had become a range of perfumes, including other names like “Rotten Badger” and “Corpse Flower”.  

Please enjoy our novelty-named, but super-smelling scents, because apparently you can sell a perfume called Rotting Turtle. 

Stay legendary, 


Simon and Will

© 2025 Rotten Fragrances